Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ten Syllables (Again)

I've been reading and discussing Beowulf for school, and for an assignment, had to write an riddle in Anglo-Saxon format. I chose to do one on a star. The format is ten syllables a line. I was reading the Shakespeare Stealer the other day, and I found out something interesting... Shakespeare wrote in the same format as Beowulf. Take a line from A Midsummer Night's Dream for instance:

Helena: Your hands than mine are quicker for a fray.
My legs are longer, though, to run away!

They are both ten syllables each.

Here's a line from a poem in Beowulf, written in Anglo-Saxon format:

"Sigemund's name was known everywhere."

This one is also ten syllables.
This just gave me an eppiphany, and I thought it was pretty interesting...

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