Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fair is Foul... Now is Foul Fair?

We've started our long-awaited and anticipated discussion on Macbeth in Omnibus (which is part of school). I was selected, along with friends Haley and Lillian to be the three "weird sisters"! Lillian has this perfect witch-like voice, and so does Haley. We got to do the first scene in the play, and then again in scene three.

Kalahan, who is also part of the "Omnibus Crew" pointed out an important fact about these two scenes: The last line of the first scene, all the witches proclaim,
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair,
Hover through the fog and filthy air."

Macbeth's first line is (1.3):
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen."

The similarities between the two lines echoes an eerieness. We know right away that something is not all right... Macbeth and the three sisters are saying almost the exact same thing, only in different ways. Oooh!


  1. Haha, yep, that was fun. Lillian was so funny. Me... well. :) Does a witch ever have a deep voice? Anyway, it was fun... and it was interesting to see Macbeth FALL INTO DOOM!! Duh Duh Duh Duhhhhhhh..... Or something like that. :P
