Monday, December 7, 2009

A Slight Summary of Hamlet

Sorry it took so long to update from last Thursday:P. How busy does life get, especially with Christmas coming up...

Anyhow, we can still (I think!) catch up on last week. We started reading Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", which I think is a simply fascinating tale. It is basically about a ghost which appears before Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, and tells him to avenge his father's death. Hamlet, however, is debating if he can, and should, trust the ghost, as the murderer, his uncle Claudius, is now king, and therefore well-protected from any danger Hamlet might offer. After getting into a fight and killing someone, though, Hamlet is now in true conflict with the king his uncle, and commits himself to violent revenge. Hamlet is then sent to England to be killed; and then returns to Denmark and confronts Laertes at his lover Ophelia’s funeral, and then comes the deaths of the royal family. Although everyone dies in a tragedy, Mrs. Ward reminds us that there is always someone who will carry it on.

But before any discussion happened, we played a new version of Duck, duck, goose!, and played Duck, Duck, Hamlet instead- which was, indeed, loads of fun:-) Another truly fantasic Thursday~

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