Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hi everyone! Well, I decided to finally create my new blog... and am I ever excited. I attend an awesome Shakespeare class, and we do real plays of the real thing. We learn the history behind the play, and learn the language. Last year we discussed King Lear (pics coming soon). I was the oldest daughter, Goneril, in that, and the way my director taught me is what made me want to go back- again and again and again...

I'll be editing the blog often, so check back in!


  1. Hi Sierra!
    I'm so glad you started a blog~ can't wait to see what will develop. Love you!

  2. Hey Sierra,
    You were soooooooooo good in King Lear. You are so sweet and it was funny and amazing to see you acting so mean. You must have had tons of fun. Can't wait to see you in the next play!
