Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Excitement Builds

Yes, excitement builds, and the "fun" stuff begins. Angela now 'denounces' herself as, though still our mentor, a director. I love her both ways:)

The days at Shakespeare have become longer and more intense; we start now at 10 am until 2:30. As of next week we will have a two-week intensive at Angela's home, and will be running through parts of the show everyday five days a week, from 10 to 4. It will be an exhausting, albeit concrete, to building high this brick wall. I'm ready!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

First Rehearsal!

Hello! You will not believe (or will you?) when I say I haven't blogged on here in a month. (You may not have believed me, but it's true!)And so much has happened in the past month. I decided firmly to not blog until I would have something or other just a teensy bit more interesting to tell you except for blocking... and blocking... and more blocking. Enough said. Two weeks ago was our first rehearsal, meaning (hurrah!) the hard part is over: no more blocking:-) Yes, our first rehearsal only lasted about fifteen minutes, but it was a REHEARSAL! No more "let us try" or "try it backwards", but a no-one-speaks, do-it-as-if-you're-on-stage rehearsal. And it was fun!